Shipping and returns

Your shipping package

Parcels are normally delivered 2 days after receipt of payment by DHL with order tracking.

The shipping costs include loading and packaging fees as well as postage costs. The loading fees are fixed, but transport costs vary depending on the total weight of the parcel. We advise you to combine several items in one order. We cannot combine two different orders and the shipping costs are calculated separately for each order. Your parcel is shipped at your risk, but fragile goods are handled with extra care.

The shipping boxes are cut wide and your goods are packed well protected.

Shipping costs for Germany:

  • per parcel € 6,60
  • Free shipping from 110 € purchase value*
  • only when exchanging reduced goods we have to charge you a postage fee of € 5.94 for the dispatch of the exchanged goods

Shipping costs for Austria, Denmark, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Netherlands:

  • 14,50 € per parcel
  • Free shipping from 120 € purchase value*
  • only when exchanging reduced goods we have to charge you a postage contribution of € 14.50 for the dispatch of the exchange goods

Shipping costs for:

Italy, Sweden, Spain

  • per parcel 16,00 €
  • Free shipping from 130 € purchase value*
  • only when exchanging reduced goods we have to charge you a postage contribution of € 17.00 for the dispatch of the exchange goods

Shipping costs for UK:

  • per parcel 20,25 €
  • Free shipping from 180 € purchase value*
  • only when exchanging reduced goods we have to charge you a postage contribution of € 20.00 for the dispatch of the exchange goods

* Purchase value = actual order value incl. VAT after completion of the transaction less returns and/or exchanges

If the purchase value is reduced by returns or exchanges below the limit of free shipping, the respective shipping costs will be charged.


As soon as you have sent us the goods to be exchanged, we will send them back to you free of charge

Export of goods purchased in Germany to Switzerland:

Due to the increased administrative effort involved, we are unable to refund VAT on exports to Switzerland. You can also order our goods directly from our Swiss online shop at